Protecting Water

Protecting Your Water

Currently the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lists pet waste as a significant source of non point pollution. Limiting this type of pollution is important for  keeping local ground water healthy.  Research is still on going to 

One of the most at risk times of the year is during the spring.   Snow is beginning to melt and reveal dog poop that might not have been picked up over the winter.  Over time this dog poop can sink into the water and start to cause issues.  These poop rivers also can cause issues for any new seeds or fertilizer in the yard as they can start to carry away some of the healthy nutrients in the yard. 

Once inside water, dog waste can contain nutrients which allow for an excess growth of algae in lakes and streams.  This algae can block light and use up oxygen that other more helpful aquatic plants need. Over a period of time these blooms of algae can cause an area of water to be uninhabitable. These algae blooms can cause a significant impact on the fish population in our lakes and rivers. 


According to the Massachusetts Bureau of Environmental Health there are several health risks associated with pet waste.  They range from baterial infections that cause diarrhea to more serious risks like loss of vision.   These risks can be mitigated by responsible pet ownership and cleaning up after your pet. 


City Sparkle is happy to help our customers not only keep their yard clean but help to keep their local water ways healthy.